Patriot Program

Patriot Program Header

We here at VZ Grips recognize and appreciate the sacrifices made every day by our great patriots. You keep our society safe and functional, and our business would be impossible without the work that you do. To show our appreciation we're offering a 10% discount to all U.S. Military Members (Active, Reserves, Guard Members, Retirees, and Veterans) Law Enforcement, and First Responders.


Create a account

To use the patriot program, you'll first need a account. If you don't already have an account click here to create one. Then come back to this page to upgrade your account to Patriot status. Unless you are a retired veteran, you must use an email address from a qualifying military, police department, or other first responder domain.


Upgrade Account

Once you have a account and you are logged in, you'll need to have your account upgraded before you can access the Patriot Program. Fill out this application to request that your account be upgraded.

Upgrade My Account


Start Shopping

Once your account has been upgraded, you will receive a confirmation email with a coupon code good for 10% OFF any time you order. Just make sure that you are logged in, and use that code when checking out to receive your discount.


If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to email us at [email protected]